Changing Lives in India since 2004


True Life Mission – is social and religious non profit registered organisation serving in India since 2005, Our team is reaching out peoples sharing love and teachings of Lord Jesus Christ and meet spiritual and physical need of peopels. 

In 2005 we begun sharing teaching of Lord Jesus Christ through small and big gathering, sharing the Gospel throwing showing Jesus Film in native Indian language. Distribtued Gospel tracts, provided Free Holy Bible, New Testaments, Jesus Film Cd’s & Dvd’s, Solar Charged Audio Bibles etc, Conducting Gospel meeting, Pastors Seminar, MarketPlace Ministry Conferences, Cell group meetings, Ministry through Social Media and much more.

Also we are committed to help those in great need living in slums and homeless and in great need providing them food/groceries, clothings, shoes, warm blankets, wheelchairs, peoples effected due to pandemic, school supplies to needy students, study materials, school bags kits, sponsoring study of students whose parents unable to afford, educating youth, helping womens and girls in slums and who are homeless providing them toiletries and hygein kits, empowering womens by educating them, encouraging them to be learn new works and skill to take care their childrens and send childrens to school, conducting youth meetings, childrens education camps, womens seminar and much more.

Some Pics of of our humble beginning and Mission work

                                        Some Pics of Distribution of Wheelchairs to needy once. 

Some Pics of Providing School Supplies, Study Material, Stationary Items, Notebooks, School Bag Kits to Needy Students 

Some Pics of Providing Groceries/Food to very needy families while Pandemic & Other times. 

Toiletries & Hygeine items distribution to needy womens.

Warm Blankets etc & Clothings distribution to needy peoples

Some Pics of Distribution to needy Childrens

Some Pics of Distribution of Wheelchairs to needy once. 

We also started the annual tradition of our Christmas Distribution.  Once per year, we’ve raised the funds and provided clothing and educational materials to children and families in the very poorest villages, slums of northern India.

From these beginnings, True Life Mission has developed three distinct areas of ministry:
1) GOSPEL – Sharing Good news & teachings of Lord Jesus Christ through Jesus Film show, Distribution of Gospel Tracts, Holy Bible, Audio Bibles and Jesus Film Dvds and Cds.
2) MISSION – We’ve provided clothing, shoes, warm blankets, groceries, toiletries, school bags kits, and educational materials, peoples effected with pandemic, empowering and educating womens, youth and kids.
3) WHEELCHAIR – We’ve begun a unique ministry to empower the critically handicapped